The principle aim of the Optimal Health Men’s Health Programme is to maintain high performance and optimal function till late in life. The programme includes screening for the three big killers of older people - heart disease, stroke and cancer, and advice on their prevention and on lifestyle, nutrition, HRT and sexual function.
‘Andropause’ or ‘male menopause’ are terms describing the symptoms of androgen depletion (particularly testosterone) in older males. Symptoms include loss of energy and well-being, aches and pains in joints, sweating attacks, impaired libido and sexual performance. Symptoms may be reversed by supplementation with androgens to physiological levels.
Base-line blood measurements to follow changes in function over time and the assessment of genetic health risk are part of an holistic and preventive approach with long term benefits.
In our experience it remains important for many older men to feel they have retained the capacity for pleasurable sexual activity.
Its expression relates less to age itself than to the availability of a partner, length of a relationship and the extent of physical incapacity. If you consider sex to be still important in your life the means to satisfying sex is now often available.
Cardiovascular Screen
Currently one in five people in the UK will have either a heart attack or stroke during their lifetime. The degree of risk can be assessed by blood measurements and non-invasive screening. We use ultrasound or tomography to show trunk and coronary vessel blood flow as well as vascular plaque and calcification. Other possible tests, where indicated, are an exercise ECG and twenty four hour heart monitoring.
On the basis of the above we will recommend a personal programme that can limit and possibly reverse vascular damage.
We recommend annual prostate screening for men over the age of fifty to distinguish between benign prostate enlargement, urinary outflow problems and cancer.
cancers in the 50 plus male population, particularly of the Colon and Rectum. These are best identified at an early stage by endoscopy or colonography. Electron Beam Tomography (EBT)’ including colonography, provide a non-invasive means of identifying colon cancer as well as the patency and degree of calcification in coronary vessels.
Maintaining Sexual Function in Later Life
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2009 British Longevity Society, London download>
Testosterone’s Effects on Anxiety: Androgens and Mood
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 EMAA Conference download>
Patients with Sexual Problems treated with Hormonal Treatments
Presented by Mike Perring and the 2007 AAMS Seminar, Paris . download>
Food and Sex: Plants Hormones and Herbs
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 Food and Health Forum, The Royal Society of Medicine, London download>
Presented by Mike Perring and Marlene Wasserman at the 2007 SA5M Conference, Capetown download>
Talking with Men about Sex