Androgen production in men significantly reduces from the fourth decade on, lowering
by 2% each year from early adulthood.
This is in stark contrast to women’s sex hormones which reduce abruptly at menopause occurring typically in their 40’s. A consequence of this difference between men and women is that while women will always notice its occurrence men are usually unaware of changing hormone levels and the loss of drive - energy, mood and libido - which are its hallmarks are often misidentified as ‘ageing’. We know that 20-50% of healthy men aged between 50 and 70 have lower than normal levels of testosterone though testosterone deficiency that is actually diagnosed is much lower.
The link between low testosterone production and failing sexual function (particularly erectile problems) as well as cardiovascular disease is now well recognised. You should ask your doctor to check your testosterone blood level when heart symptoms occur and when there are problems with erection they also should check your heart function.
Maintaining Sexual Function in Later Life
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2009 British Longevity Society, London download>
Testosterone’s Effects on Anxiety: Androgens and Mood
Presented by Mike Perring at the 2006 EMAA Conference download>
Patients with Sexual Problems treated with Hormonal Treatments
Presented by Mike Perring and the 2007 AAMS Seminar, Paris . download>